Sunday, June 4, 2017

Surviving the Summer Sales Slump

Hello fellow florists - here comes Summer! a time when the sun is shining and sales seem to dwindle. Are you ready to take a look at what you can do to strengthen sales during the sleepy Summer season?

At a time when sales drop off every flower shop needs to take a look at what they are offering and find a niche that only they can provide. The obvious question would be "What can I offer my customers that others in the area can not?" The answer will give you the reason why customers seek out your services before going to another florist in your area.

My Individual Point of Difference (or IPOD) is that I have shifted my purchasing power to farm fresh direct flowers instead of relying on my local wholesaler.  I have found that by buying my flowers from the website, I have increased my profit margin and at the same time increased my customer's satisfaction! I have created a "niche" of my own.  My customers come back time after time saying that their arrangements have lasted weeks instead of days - all of which can only be due to the fact that I am now buying product that is cut when I order it and it is shipped to my shop within 72 hours of being cut. No other shops in the area are doing this. Although we will always need and appreciate our wholesalers, the introduction of farm fresh product has helped put our shop heads and shoulders above our competition.

My suggestion to other shops would be to TRY the product from  Start supplementing your regular orders with farm fresh product and see what is available on the website at  For a limited time only is offering a 50% off discount on your first box. Log in today and carve out your own "niche." Turn those lazy days of Summer sales into a hot buying frenzy.

Monday, April 10, 2017

You want WHAT for HOW MUCH???

Today as I was reading through some of my floral sites on Facebook, I noticed a theme that sounded oh so familiar. Many of the florists were asking for help finding a solution to a problem they were having. Their problem was this:  A customer had asked them to create arrangements for their banquet tables for only $10 each. The florist didn't want to turn down the order, however, it was nearly impossible to meet this budget and put out a memorable product. What could she do? She was asking for ideas from the group. I must say the we florists are a very creative group of individuals and we came up with several viable options that would "work" for the small budgeted amount. The only problem with this scenario is that her "creation" would be seen by many people in her hometown and that her shop name would be associated with the finished product. She didn't want people to think that her shop produced product that was below standard,just because the budget was minimal. She wanted to help her customer reach their goal without losing her reputation in the process. These scenarios go on every day in a flower shop and I wonder sometimes why it is that people put so little "value" on what we do. I often hear customers say "you are so lucky you get to play with flowers all day" and then I realize that our customers actually have no idea what goes into the making of an arrangement. Even when you come to a floral design class, we make it seem SO easy, but that's because all of the preparation has been done for you BEFORE you even get to the door. At Fuller's Floral we hold design classes for the enjoyment of those individuals that "like to play with flowers".  It is a fun time usually permeated with wine, women, and song (straight from the CD player). With light refreshments, we go about the task of arranging a design for their homes as well as each customer having a "Girls Nite Out" to boot! But I digress...from point A to the point of walking out the door with an arrangement - MUCH is required from the florist. Even when someone is looking for a small arrangement there are decisions to be made, and the knowledge of a good florist is imperative. The colors, the choice of flowers, is a line flower needed, is it an angular design, is it a vase design or table piece...All of these questions have specific answers that the average joe just won't know. The reason that your florist KNOWS these answers is because of her many hours of training and countless hours of practice. These are the skill sets that they have acquired and yet the public feels that the florist should not charge what their skill set is really worth. At Fuller's Floral we are always attending classes and seminars to keep up with the trends and fresh new ideas. We are not the same cookie cutter florist that goes only by the book. Give us some creative license and a bit of a budget and we will stun you with show stopping arrangements. But, when you tie our hands with a budget that is less than a meal at Micky D's, then it becomes a much harder task to WOW your audience. Keep that in mind when you go "shopping" for flowers for your next event.  Ta Ta For Now...

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Inspirations for the New Year

As the New Year begins, we all tend to make resolutions. By the end of the first month, most of them have been thrown by the wayside.  The year marches forward while all your good intentions are just a memory. This year I have decided NOT to make any resolutions. Instead I have decided to become inspired and to try my hardest to keep myself on track.  How can you do that?, you might ask.  Enter, my daily "Happy Planner".

This year I am using my planner to the fullest extent every day. I am jotting down important dates - as I am given them - right in my planner.  And instead of writing them on a tiny piece of paper that will disappear on my desk, they are neatly arranged within the contents of either the month or the day or both.

Some people decide to keep their appointments on their phone or computer. I even have a watch that can be programmed to hold your calendar. But I am a paper kind of gal and I like to see things written down. I am learning via a Facebook Group that these planners are not just a way to keep track of appointments, but also can be used for various other tasks.

  • You can "bullet journal" within your  planner. 
  • Make lists for the amount of water you are drinking each day. 
  • Set goals for yourself for weight and fitness. 
  • Keep track of the weather
  • Do your meal planning 
  • Write down your "to do" list
  • Keep track of important dates - birthdays & anniversaries
All of these very important tasks in ONE book! But that's not all! I have learned that you also need to decorate the pages of your planner. There are stickers and stamps and washi tape (who even knows what that is???) and a host of other items needed to make a respectable page. Actually I have found decorating to be very relaxing and I am on the look out for these products any time I go shopping now. 

I have decided that my marketing skills needed to be kept on track, so I have made a "date" for myself to keep marketing of my business in the forefront of my mind instead of always on the back burner or somewhere that never gets any attention. Blogs, video productions, in store promotions and new classes have all been calendared for the month. I am proud to say that so far (one month in) I have kept up with my marketing plan thanks to my Happy Planner!!!

In conclusion, I will mention to my fellow florists that you might want to take a look at a planner for yourself. I know how hard it is to keep those New Year resolutions. So I challenge you - Instead of making resolutions this year. -  make PLANS.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Small Business Saturday

This year November 26th has been designated as Small Business  Saturday. This day is dedicated to all of the Small Businesses in the area, and is set aside as a time to introduce YOU, the consumer, to the small business shops in your community! You have every other day in the year to take advantage of the big box stores, but this day is set aside for you to explore the "little guy" in your neighborhood. The Gap Area Small Business Association has over 100 members that are ready, willing, and able to serve their community. We here at Fuller's Floral will be quite busy that day, but we will be welcoming shoppers to stop in and see what WE do. We have a wedding in the morning and then a class in the afternoon. You can get a look first hand at all that goes into wedding preparation as well as a floral design class in the afternoon. Stop by for some light refreshments and don't forget to order your very own Snowman that will be featured during the class. We will be offering a special price for those ordering on Small Business Saturday and delivery can be scheduled any time between Nov. 26th & Dec. 31st. Call 717 442 3158 or shop our website any time of the day or night at  Don't forget to check out our Facebook page and give us a "LIKE"!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


What is the first thing you think of when you see someone coming through your front door?  Are you happy to see that wonderful person known as a "customer"?

How do you let that person know that you value his business? Do you greet him with a smile or just continue on doing whatever it was that you were doing before they walked in?

How Does Your Customer Service Measure up?

I must confess that I have a bad habit of doing the latter.  I am usually engrossed in some task requiring my full attention - paperwork, taxes or the finances, and it is hard for me to "drop everything" when someone walks in. At times, I barely look up to greet this person. That is a definite problem!!

Luckily for me, I have a partner that realizes my lack of social skills in this area, and she takes up the slack immediately.  I watch in awe as she greets each guest with a smile and makes them feel like the most important person on earth at that moment in time. It astonishes me that she is able to carry this off with grace and an ease which only comes from doing it each and every time a customer comes through the door.

The reasons people become your customers...

Some customers are in your store because they need your help. These customers need your time. Be sure to make them feel their needs are important to you and find out how you can be of service to them. Sometimes customers just need to be heard.

Some customers are at your business because they know what they want and know that you will have it or get it for them. I call this group "express customers." They know what they want when they get to your store.  They are usually on a time crunch and have a limited amount of time they want to spend to get exactly what they want. These customers want efficiency.

Some are just there to "look around". These types are really there to see how you make them feel.  Are you too busy to be bothered with them since they are not really making any purchases right now? Do you show them the same consideration as if they were making a high dollar purchase? This is an area where I think many owners need improvement. I have noticed my partner doesn't seem to think it matters WHO they are or WHAT they want...she treats every person like they are just about to spend a million dollars in our shop.  And this is not an act because she truly believes that each and every customer no matter how large or small their purchase - is worthy of her time.  And she is right! Marketing folks recognize this technique as cultivating a customer. Investing time and effort now will help to develop a relationship that the customer will remember when they are ready to make that purchase.

What you can do to improve your customer service skills...

As you can see, you have to be many things to many different types of customers. No matter what you have been doing in the can always improve. It's not too late for us old dogs to learn new tricks.

So, the next time you hear that bell ring to signal a customer is coming into your shop just remember the old fire drill rules - STOP - DROP - AND ROLL!!!

STOP whatever you are doing.

DROP everything so you can look that customer in the eye as they come in and..

ROLL out the red carpet because this is the most important person that you will meet today.  Put on your best smile and make this person feel like more than a customer - make them feel like a trusted friend.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

To Join or Not to Join...that is the question???

Today, many small  businesses are faced with the opportunity to join numerous organizations.  These organizations will supposedly help nurture and support them within their community. Every small business has to choose the organization that will give them the most "bang for their buck."   Limited budgets force the small business owner to check into the details of an organization and find out exactly what benefits they will offer to see if it is worth the expense.

What to look for...
The networking aspect is one consideration.  Getting to know other business owners within your own community can and should be a huge help-especially to a start up business. Since start ups do not have the advantage of a customer base that was handed down to them from previous years of cultivating community relationships, networking can help break the ice and allow your business to get involved with what's happening within the community.

Support from within...
A few questions need to be answered when deciding on which organization will best suit the needs of your particular business.
Is there support available? Do they offer a website or Facebook page where you can get some answers?  Some organizations have their website and Facebook pages professionally set up, but then never check on them once they "go live." When was the last time their site/page was updated? Do they offer business tips or articles of business related topics? Are they interactive with their members through communications? 

Who belongs and WHY?
How did you hear about this organization? Were they referred by another business member of the community? Do you respect their opinion? Are they community minded individuals who are looking to refer your business to others? Are they offering networking opportunities? Do the members USE businesses in the area or do they primarily do business outside your area? What are the goals of the organization and are they in line with the goals of your business? SHARING your name with others in the community can be an important part of business to business operations. Do they have a way to do this and are they using it? There is nothing better than a customer referral from another business. It tells the customer that the referring business trusts your business to take good care of "their" customer. And when you do, they will become "your" customer too.

To Join or Not to Join...
Once you look at all sides of this question the answer will present itself. Keeping in mind your budget, what you will gain from membership, and whether or not it suits your interests will all be factors that help you make the decision. Whether it is the local Chamber of Commerce, a national organization, or a business promotional site, get out there and really look at the organization! If you find more pros than cons, then you have your answer--go for it!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Do It Yourself-ers - A Florist's Nightmare or Dream Come True???

This is a subject that strikes terror into the heart of every florist - A DIY individual.  Every flower shop has THAT individual who thinks they can do it themselves, and they just need a little assistance from the local florist.  Then, Aunt Betty can take over and SHE will do all the centerpieces for the event is that is taking place. There are a few reasons that your local florist may not be as "pleased as punch" to help you out in a situation like this. Let's look at it from the florist's point of view as opposed to the DIY-er's

Point #1 - Whose reputation is on the line?
So let's just take for example that it is a bridal party.  Of course the bride does not want to take a chance that her bouquet or her bridal party bouquets will be anything less than perfection, so she asks the florist to do those. The florist gives the bride her price and all is well with both parties. THEN the reception is discussed and Aunt Betty has made it clear that she will do the centerpieces. This is unfortunate for both the bride and the florist. The florist has put her name on the line by doing the bridal party, but she will also be mentioned even though she did not do the centerpieces. Many floral shops will not DO only choice pieces of the party, and then allow a DIY-er to do other non professional pieces. The reason for this is that their shop name is associated with ALL of that wedding or party. No one ever says, well "So and So Floral" did the brides and bridal party, but Aunt Betty did the reception pieces (especially if those look amateurish)...NO, THEY DON'T!  Unfortunately no matter what the DIY-er centerpieces look like, the Flower shop takes the "credit"(or in this case - the rap).  Believe me, it just happened to a friend of mine! And here is the resulting centerpiece from the DIYer!!!

So do you think the guests at this event are going to talk about the beautiful bridal bouquet that was done professionally by her florist OR the above centerpiece? And Aunt Betty will not be mentioned as the creator. That is point #1.

Point #2 - It is a matter of professionalism. Do you know how many hours of training went into the making of a REAL florist? Most florists are in a continual training mode - just to keep up with the latest trends. They read all they can in the latest trade magazines, subscribe to online courses or take classes wherever they are offered. These classes are not cheap, but in order to stay abreast of the new ideas; they are necessary. That is what makes your REAL FLORIST the person you can TRUST to make your event perfect. Do you have any idea how INSULTING it is to your local florist to suggest that Aunt Betty could make it just as nice? You wouldn't go into a restaurant, steak in hand and say to the chef, "Show me how to cook this steak just as good as YOU do it". You realize that the chef has had training unavailable to John Q. Public and you would trust that he would do a good job and if  you made it out of the kitchen alive, that would be a plus!. When a customer suggests that anybody can throw some stems in a vase and create a centerpiece, it is a real slap in the face to that florist. So, please THINK about it before you decide to go that route.

Point #3 - Getting the flowers. Your florist is not a wholesaler of flowers. They buy them FROM a wholesaler. Flowers are not cheap. Do you know how many you will need? or are you expecting your florist to tell you what to order? From the florist's point of view, this is not a fair position to put her in - YOU are taking her job away from her, and yet you expect her to do the estimate on the number of flowers you will need? From the DIYer's outlook, you NEED her (the florist's) expertise or you may be caught short by ordering too light or wasteful by over ordering. The next question is WHEN should I get them? Most florists know if the wedding is on this date, then the flowers should come in on that date. Some need time to mature, others have no lead time and should be ordered at the last minute. This is one of the main reasons that some florists charge a "Consultation Fee" up front. It pays for the time it takes to make all of these decisions that can save you time and money in the end.

 Point #4 - Time is Money - when you decide to "stop by your florist to run some ideas past her" do you realize that even though she is willing to stop whatever she is doing to help you, she has 100 things waiting for her attention on the back burner? DIYers need to research their project before going to the shop owner for advice. The florist isn't going to make any money on your project, so you need to KNOW what you want before going there. Remember if you are planning on just buying stems, the florist will be making approximately a 10% markup which is $10 on a $100 purchase. If you are a regular customer, I'm certain that your florist will be willing to help you, but if you are someone who never uses that florist, you may find your reception a little "chilly"!  Designers are usually not willing to give away their trade secrets that took them YEARS to learn without compensation.

Point #5 - Is it worth the savings to do it yourself?  This can only be answered on a case by case basis. Sometimes it is actually cheaper to allow the professional to do their job.  All of the above are the deciding factors that a DIYer must take into account.The actual arranging, delivery and setup are all things that must be done at the last minute. Your florist is used to doing them because it is part of her job. Delivery of an event alone can be a harrowing situation - ask any delivery person! As a DIYer are you planning on attending the event? Being fully dressed and ready for the event takes time and while it can be done, you certainly don't want to end up with your good dress all water stained from a few unruly vases in your car.

After all is said and done, the option is certainly YOURS, but it's always good to look at an issue from both sides and try to see both the pros and cons before making any decision. Hopefully this article has opened your eyes to the joys and pitfalls of "doing it yourself".