Thursday, September 1, 2016

To Join or Not to Join...that is the question???

Today, many small  businesses are faced with the opportunity to join numerous organizations.  These organizations will supposedly help nurture and support them within their community. Every small business has to choose the organization that will give them the most "bang for their buck."   Limited budgets force the small business owner to check into the details of an organization and find out exactly what benefits they will offer to see if it is worth the expense.

What to look for...
The networking aspect is one consideration.  Getting to know other business owners within your own community can and should be a huge help-especially to a start up business. Since start ups do not have the advantage of a customer base that was handed down to them from previous years of cultivating community relationships, networking can help break the ice and allow your business to get involved with what's happening within the community.

Support from within...
A few questions need to be answered when deciding on which organization will best suit the needs of your particular business.
Is there support available? Do they offer a website or Facebook page where you can get some answers?  Some organizations have their website and Facebook pages professionally set up, but then never check on them once they "go live." When was the last time their site/page was updated? Do they offer business tips or articles of business related topics? Are they interactive with their members through communications? 

Who belongs and WHY?
How did you hear about this organization? Were they referred by another business member of the community? Do you respect their opinion? Are they community minded individuals who are looking to refer your business to others? Are they offering networking opportunities? Do the members USE businesses in the area or do they primarily do business outside your area? What are the goals of the organization and are they in line with the goals of your business? SHARING your name with others in the community can be an important part of business to business operations. Do they have a way to do this and are they using it? There is nothing better than a customer referral from another business. It tells the customer that the referring business trusts your business to take good care of "their" customer. And when you do, they will become "your" customer too.

To Join or Not to Join...
Once you look at all sides of this question the answer will present itself. Keeping in mind your budget, what you will gain from membership, and whether or not it suits your interests will all be factors that help you make the decision. Whether it is the local Chamber of Commerce, a national organization, or a business promotional site, get out there and really look at the organization! If you find more pros than cons, then you have your answer--go for it!

1 comment:

  1. Great information!!! I hope people read & benefit from this! :)
